Control pigeons and birds

Control pigeons and bird control

Some of us face the problem of the presence of pigeons and birds on residential and commercial buildings, and given the problems that these birds may cause that may lead to damage to property and the health of individuals, it is therefore appropriate to start taking steps to control pigeons and birds immediately.

The harm of birds in buildings

  • Transmission of diseases and insects specific to pigeons and birds to humans.
  • Destruction of building and car facades resulting from the droppings of these birds.
شركة مكافحة حشرات | Pest control company
مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control

There are some simple ways that help us control pigeons and birds personally and without the need to seek the help of a company specialized in control pigeons and birds, such as:

  • Colored strips: Install bright colored strips and place them on windows and places where pigeons and birds are found, as the movement of these strips with the air scares birds and thus keeps them away from the place.
  • Hook threads: Hook threads are fixed on windows using iron nails, so that pigeons and birds cannot stand on this place.
  • Pointed nails: We install a number of pointed nails on a wooden board or stick them with silicone, so that the pointed teeth are upwards and this board is fixed in the places where they are located, thus we do not leave a suitable place for pigeons and birds to stand.

If you have tried these methods and were unable to prevent pigeons and birds from standing on the building, you need a company specialized in pigeon and bird control in Abu Dhabi.

Call now and do not hesitate… Bird control is now easier and cheaper than before.

Methods of control pigeons and birds

We at Smart Care Cleaning Services understand the importance of preserving wildlife and birds, so we use safe and harmless methods that lead to the migration of birds from the desired place without causing any harm or damage to them.

  • Pointed wires: These wires prevent birds from standing on the roofs of buildings, and thus pigeons and birds tend to migrate from the place and search for other comfortable places where they can build nests and live in.
  • Using mesh: We use mesh in some places where it is difficult to install pointed wires, such as electrical transformers and winding surfaces ….. etc.
  • Bird repellent gel: We install a gelatinous material on the specified surfaces, and when this material comes into contact with the feet of pigeons and birds, it sticks to the place, so they migrate away from the place.
  • Other products: A gel material that reflects the sun’s rays in the desired places, and prepares the birds as if they are a flame, leading to migration from the place.
مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control
مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control

The problem caused by pigeons and birds

The harm of pigeons and birds to public health

Pigeons and other birds can pose a major public health problem. They carry a variety of diseases and bacteria that can be transmitted to humans through their droppings and feathers. Their high population density in urban areas increases the risk of respiratory illnesses and allergies.

The effect of pigeons and birds on buildings

In addition to the health damage, pigeons and birds can cause significant damage to buildings. Their acidic droppings can corrode metal and wood surfaces, as well as clog utilities such as gutters and ventilation systems, resulting in significant and ultimately costly damage.

Methods of control pigeons and birds

Use traps and gloves to repel pigeons and birds.

Barriers and gloves can be used to reduce the presence of pigeons and birds on buildings. These tools prevent birds from settling on surfaces and act as a physical barrier to prevent them from reaching target areas.

Applying environmental solutions to control the reproduction of pigeons and birds

An environmentally friendly approach involves using natural repellents such as scented sprays and adopting birds of prey, which are effective in reducing pigeon and bird populations naturally without harming them.

Reasons for the increase in the number of pigeons and birds in cities

The impact of environmental pollution on the reproduction of pigeons and birds

Environmental pollution plays a major role in increasing the number of pigeons and birds in cities. Urban areas provide a suitable environment for the reproduction of these birds due to the unlimited availability of food, shelter and water.

مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control
مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control

The impact of pigeons and birds on local agriculture

Pigeons and birds pollute agricultural crops

Pigeons and birds can negatively impact agricultural crops by contaminating them with feces, transmitting diseases, and causing crop damage. This affects the quality and yield of agricultural products, posing a major challenge to farmers.

Preventive measures to prevent contamination of pigeons and birds

To reduce the negative impact of pigeons and birds on agriculture, protective nets, traps, and sonic devices can be used to repel birds without harming them. Following these measures helps protect crops and increase productivity.

Global trends in pigeon and bird control

Using modern techniques to control pigeons and birds

Many countries are using modern technologies such as drones and acoustic sensors to repel pigeons and birds. These technologies allow monitoring and analysis of bird movements and intervention when necessary in ways that are environmentally friendly.

International cooperation in control pigeons and birds across borders

Countries cooperate to control the problem of pigeons and birds by exchanging information and modern technologies. This cooperation contributes to reducing the damage caused by birds across borders and enhances global food security.

Traditional methods of dealing with the problem of pigeons and birds

Using manual methods to repel pigeons and birds

Some communities rely on manual methods such as using scarecrows and installing barbed wire to prevent birds from settling in unwanted areas. These methods remain effective in some places.

Traditional methods of preventing pigeon and bird proliferation

Traditional methods also include regulating bird feeding times and designating special areas for them to breed. These measures help control bird reproduction and prevent their spread into urban and rural areas.

The impact of pigeons and birds on the urban environment

The negative impact of street pigeons on the urban environment

Pigeons and birds can have a negative impact on the urban environment, as they can pollute public spaces and cause rapid damage to buildings due to the accumulation of droppings and feathers. This contributes to an unsanitary environment and increases maintenance and cleaning costs.

Urban Environment Pigeon and Bird Control Strategies

To reduce the impact of pigeons and birds, some cities are implementing strategies that include installing protective nets on buildings and using sonic bird repellents, as well as improving waste management and providing natural food alternatives away from residential areas.

مكافحة الحمام والطيور | Bird control